Thursday, October 31, 2019

Question Answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Question Answers - Essay Example be important to not5e and mention that on various occasions Carol Ann Bartz has exhibited combative and proper cognitive skills to ensure that Yahoo Incorporated as a company gets the best deal under the various business environments. For instance, the move where Carol Ann Bartz, decided to relinquish the control of the search engines of Yahoo in anticipation of the future and subsequent progress or likely growth is an example. In her calculated wisdom and intention, she foresaw the future of advertising given the fact that the future was shifting or moving towards search engines. Therefore it was prudent to place the company at a good place to allow it to be able to enjoy future benefits based on the present circumstances. In the ordinary sense and aspect, personality trait refers to the building blocks and aspects which define the nature of a human being. It is to say that they are the things that differentiate a person as unique from other human beings in the world. In the course of the career growth and development of Carol Ann Bartz she has shown a varied range of personality traits which have set her apart from other people and executives. To begin with, Carol Ann Bartz is an optimistic manager who lives and hopes for better things to come in the subsequent times. This is to say that she looks on the positive side of things that are expected to come even when the realistic chances of accomplishing the task seem untenable. For instance, when she relinquished the search engines to Microsoft, it was her belief that the future of advertising would be in the search engines spheres. Secondly, she is encouraging, given the fact that she did share supporting emails to the staff to give them the moral strength and support to persevere. For instance, her emails sought to encourage the staff members so as to reaffirm their faith in the vision and mission of Yahoo Incorporated. Assuming she had a position available for me in the organisation, I would have loved to

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Animal experimentation Essay Example for Free

Animal experimentation Essay Animals should not be used for drug development ormedical research. Give your views for or against thisstatement. Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation, animal research, and in vivo testing, is the use of non-human animals in experiments (although some research about animals involves only natural behaviors or pure observation, such as a mouse running a maze or field studies of chimp troops). The research is conducted inside universities, medical schools, pharmaceutical companies, farms, defense establishments, and commercial facilities that provide animal-testing services to industry. [1] It includes pure research (such as genetics, developmental biology, and behavioral studies) as well as applied research (such as biomedical research, xenotransplantation, drug testing, and toxicology tests, including cosmetics testing). Animals are also used for education, breeding, and defense research. The practice is regulated to various degrees in different countries. Since Time immemorial, animals have been used to test drugs, and formedical research. Small animals such as rats, hamsters, guinea pigs,rabbits, and squirrels have been the main victims.For as long as he has existed, Man, has regarded himself as thegreatest among all sentient beings. Along with this self-proclaimed ³greatness ´ comes the arrogance and superiority complexes thatusually spoil ones character. As a result, Man has started taking hisintelligence and power for granted, plundering on through the world of redefined necessities and luxuries, leaving entire species of animalswrithing helplessly along in its wake. Man has been taking advantageof helpless little animals in many ways, the likes of which Bugs Bunnyand Jerry Mouse could never have dreamed of. Animals are cruellytreated, and forced to sacrifice themselves for the sake of tear-lessshampoo, mascara, artificial flavors, vaccines, or God-Forbid, pepperspray.Is this really fair? Do such deeds really qualify Man as  ³Gods MostImportant creature? ´ Granted, Man has  invented tear-less shampoo,mascara, artificial flavors, vaccines and pepper spray, but how manyrodents has it cost nature? Mixtures intended to become tear-lessshampoos are ruthlessly poured into the animals eyes, and it is leftwrithing in pain, unable to even blink the pain out. Tear-less, indeed.Didnt Man invent the concept of equal rights for all?  Didnt Manestablish himself as the just and  µall-powerful ruler of Earth? And justhow far has this claim been fulfilled?All this time, Man has asserted himself as the  µcaring ruler of Earth.Well, the time has come to show each other just how caring Man canbe, starting with our feathery/scaly/furry friends a few rungs down theLadder of Evolution.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

UV Of Sodium Aminosalicylate Biology Essay

UV Of Sodium Aminosalicylate Biology Essay Specific absorbance of the sodium aminosalicylate can be determined by using the Beer-Lambert law equation with the presence of the value of concentration of the sodium aminosalicylate and the absorbance values which can be obtained through UV spectrophotometry. The concentration of Unknown solutions can also be determined by getting the absorbance values through the calibration graph, absolute method and comparative method. Introduction UV spectrophotometry is a technique which is based on measuring the absorption of near-UV or visible radiation by molecules. [1] It acts by where the electrons in the bonds within the molecule become excited to reach up to a higher quantum state and in the process to absorb some of the energy passing through the solution. The more loosely the electrons are been held within the bonds of the molecules, the longer will the wavelength of the radiation (lower the energy) been absorbed. [2] Radiation in this wavelength region causes the characteristics of the molecular structure of the molecule to be determined. [1] As there is a broad absorption bands due to different vibrational and rotational energy levels, UV spectrophotometry is used mainly for quantitative purposes rather than identification.[3] Spectrophotometer works by where the sample of the solution is inserted into the spectrometer for the UV/visible light to pass through the sample to get the value of absorbance/transmittance. The value of the absorbance indicates the amount of light being absorbed by the sample. The measurement of light absorption of molecules can be governed by Beer-Lambert law equation, A= e.c.l. With the presence of the absorbance value (A), concentration of the sample (c) and the pathlength of the cell (l), the molar absorptivitiy (e) can therefore be determined. Concentration of an unknown solution can also be determined by measuring its absorbance using the UV spectrophotometry at the selected wavelength. The determination of the concentration of the unknown can be determined by using three methods, which are by using the Beer-Lambert graph, comparative method and absolute method. In this experiment, sodium aminosalicylate will be used as the sample as it is a good absorber of ultraviolet light which allows it to be conveniently to be analysed using spectrophotometry. The purpose of this experiment is to find the specific absorbance of the sodium aminosalicylate solution by using different concentrations of it and also to determine the concentration of the unknown solutions by using calibration graph of Beer-Lambert, comparative method and absolute method. Experimental (a) Absorption Spectrum of Sodium Aminosalicylate in 0.1M NaOH The spectrum of a 1-cm layer of 0.001% solution of sodium aminosalicylate in 0.1M NaOH over the wavelength range 235 to 325nm was been scanned and examined. The wavelengths (ÃŽ »max) and the absorbance values at these wavelengths of the two maxima was then been measured from the spectrum. Approximate specific absorbance [i.e. the absorbance of a 1-cm layer of a 1% solution, A(1%,1cm)] was then been calculated at each of these maxima using the Beer-Lambert equation ; A=A(1%,1cm).c.l Where A= Absorbance A(1%,1cm) = Specific absorbance of a 1 cm layer of a 1% solution c = Concentration (%) l = path length (cm) (b) Beers Law, Specific Absorbance and Molar Absorptivity 50mL volumes of 0.0002, 0.0004, 0.0006 and 0.008 % solutions of sodium aminosalicylate in 0.1M NaOH from the 0.0010 % stock solution had been prepared. One of the ÃŽ »max from (a) had been selected and the wavelength was set to the selected value. The solvent (0.1M NaOH) was been placed in both cells and the absorbance reading of the single beam spectrophotometer was been set to zero. The absorbance was been checked a few nm each side of the selected wavelength using the 0.0010 % and been recorded. The new ÃŽ »max from the table of absorbance values that had been recorded was been selected and the spectrophotometer was been set to that wavelength. The absorbance of a 1-cm layer of each of the five solutions of sodium aminosalicylate that had been prepared earlier were been recorded and replicate readings were been obtained. A graph of absorbance against concentration had been plotted and the specific absorbance had been determined using the gradient of the graph. The molar absorptivi ty of the sodium aminosalicylate in 0.1M NaOH at the selected maximum was been calculated. (c) Determination of Concentrations (i) Calibration Graph The absorbance of a 1-cm layer of Unknown 1 was been determined. Unknown 1 was then been diluted so that its absorbance is in the mid range of the graph of absorbance against concentration. The graph was then been used to determine the concentration of the diluted solution and hence the concentration of Unknown 1 was been calculated. (ii) Absolute Method The absorbance of a 1-cm layer of Unknown 2 was been recorded. The concentration of Unknown 2 was been calculated using the A (1%.1cm) value which had been determined previously. (iii) Comparative Method The wavelength was set to the second ÃŽ »max which had been determined in (a). The absorbance of a 1-cm layer of the 0.0010 % and a 1-cm layer of Unknown 2 was been recorded. The concentration of Unknown 2, C2, using the relationship below, = Results (a) Wavelength / nm Absorbance Reading 264 0.630 300 0.430 Wavelengths (ÃŽ »max) = 264nm and 300nm Concentration) = 0.001 % At 264nm, Specific Absorbance = = = 630 At 300nm, Specific Absorbance = = = 430 (b) ÃŽ »max which been selected from (a) = 264nm Wavelength / nm Absorbance Reading 259 0.584 260 0.588 261 0.588 262 0.582 263 0.573 264 0.559 265 0.546 Table of Absorbance Values New ÃŽ »max selected from table of absorbance = 261nm Concentration of sodium aminosalicylate solution / % First Absorbance Reading Second Absorbance Reading Average Absorbance Reading 0.001 0.608 0.606 0.607 0.0008 0.477 0.482 0.480 0.0006 0.360 0.364 0.362 0.0004 0.243 0.243 0.243 0.0002 0.119 0.123 0.121 Specific Absorbance (Gradient) = = 606.06 From the graph of absorbance reading of 0.46, Concentration of Sodium Aminosalicylate = 0.00076 % RMM of sodium aminosalicylate = 211.15 0.00076 % = 0.00076 g/100mL = 0.0076 g/1000mL = 0.000036 mol/1000mL = 0.000036M By using the Beer Lambert equation, A= e.c.l., e = = = 12777.78 Molar absorptivity (e) of sodium aminosalicylate in 0.1M NaOH at the selected maximum = 12777.78 (c) (i) Type of Solution First Absorbance Reading Second Absorbance Reading Average Absorbance Reading Unknown 1 1.187 1.188 1.188 Diluted Unknown 1 (Unknown 1 + Â ¾ 0.1M NaOH) 0.286 0.287 0.287 Concentration of Diluted Unknown 1 Solution from the graph = 0.00048 % Using the formula C1V1 = C2V2 , (0.00048) (100) = (C2) (25) C2 (Concentration of Unknown 1) = 0.00192 % (ii) Type of Solution First Absorbance Reading Second Absorbance Reading Average Absorbance Reading Unknown 2 0.525 0.525 0.525 Using Beer-Lambert equation, A=A(1%,1cm).c.l A(1%,1cm) = 606.06 l = 1.00 Concentration of Unknown 2 (c) = = 0.000866 % (iii) Wavelength (ÃŽ »max) selected from (a) = 300nm Type of Solution First Absorbance Reading Second Absorbance Reading Average Absorbance Reading 0.0010 % sodium aminosalicylate 0.337 0.336 0.337 Unknown 2 0.300 0.300 0.300 = C2 (Concentration of Unknown 2) = 0.000890 % Discussion From the experiment (a), we can see that the absorbance reading decreases with the increase of the wavelength where 0.630 absorbance value had been recorded at 264nm wavelength and 0.430 absorbance at 300nm wavelength. When wavelength increases, the amount of energy of the molecules of sodium aminosaliylate will decrease as well. Therefore, the amount of light that will be absorbed by the sodium aminosalicylate will decrease which resulting in the decrease in the value of the absorbance. By using the Beer-Lambert law equation, we can know that the specific absorbance of the sample decreases with the decrease of the absorbance value with a fixed concentration of sodium aminosalicylate and pathlength of the cell. In experiment (b), new ÃŽ »max had been selected from the table of absorbance which is 261nm because it had the highest absorbance reading among all values which had been obtained. Repeated readings of absorbance had been recorded when measuring the absorbance values of each of the different concentrations of sodium aminosalicylate. This is to prevent getting an error in the measurement of the absorbance reading in the experiment. When plotting the graph of average absorbance against concentration of sodium aminosalicylate, a linear line was obtained. This shows that the value of absorbance increases with the increase of the concentration of sodium aminosalicylate in the experiment. The value of specific absorbance that had been obtained from the gradient of the graph of average absorbance against concentration of sodium aminosalicylate is 606.06. The value is quite typical which is in the range of 20-1,000. However, the value of the molar absorptivity of the sodium aminosalicylate o btained from the graph is 12777.78 which is more than the typical values ranging from 1,000-100,000. This may be due to some errors produced during the experiment. In experiment (c)(i), the concentration of Unknown 1 obtained from the spectroscopy and calibrating graph are almost the same. However, the concentration of Unknown 1 obtained through the calibrating graph is slightly higher than that of the one obtained from spectroscopy. This might be due to some errors in calibrating the graph. Error in the graph will result in getting an incorrect absorbance reading which will be used to calculate the concentration of the unknown solution. However, several measurements can be recorded to minimize the errors. In experiment (c)(ii) and (iii), the results showed that the concentration of Unknown 2 obtained using absolute method is almost the same with the value of concentration obtained using comparative method. Absolute method can be carried if the value of specific absorbance is known with the presence of the value of absorbance. It works exactly based on the Beer-Lambert law equation and is a preferred method in BP. If the specific absorbance of the solution is not known, then comparative method is preferably to be used as it only needs the absorbance reading of the standard solution and the unknown solution.This is a preferred method in USP and works the best if the standard and sample concentrations are close.[3] As the specific absorbance of sodium aminosalicylate used in (c)(ii) is obtained from experiment (b), there might be some errors in the value of the concentration of Unknown 2 if errors had occurred when calibrating the graph in (b) which resulting in the value of specific abs orbance to be not accurate. Compared to comparative method, only the absorbance reading of the standard and sample solutions obtained from the spectroscopy are required in order to calculate the concentration of Unknown 2. Therefore, in this case the concentration of Unknown 2 using absolute method is not as accurate as the one obtained by using comparative method in this experiment. Conclusion UV spectrophotometry is an universal technique where it can find the value of specific absorbance of a sample using the Beer-Lambert equation with the presence of the other 3 factors value and also to identify the concentration of an unknown either through methods of calibration, absolute and comparative.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Mystifying the Senses: Bimodal Speech Perception :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Mystifying the Senses: Bimodal Speech Perception My grandmother, like many elderly people, suffers from hearing loss. Recently however, she has begun to lose her sight as well. Curiously enough, though her level of auditory impairment remains the same since macular degeneration has claimed her ability to see, her hearing seems to have deteriorated further. Could this be simply the result of alienation because of the loss of a further sense? This situation led me to wonder about my own hearing ability. I have often experienced hearing difficulty in settings where I cannot see the person who is talking to me-in a movie theater, or over the telephone. The questions raised here call into question the conventional notion of sensory processing. Distinctive inputs are received by their respective processing organ and the end result is relayed to the brain. How then can we explain a seeming reliance of two different sensory percepts on each other? Is there more to hearing than our ears? Historically, scientific evidence for the existence of sensory integration has long existed, but the first formal theory developed to this effect was stumbled upon by Harry McGurk and John MacDonald of the University of Surrey (1). The scientists were involved in a study of how infants perceive speech by playing a video of a mother talking in one place and playing the sound of her voice in another place. They randomly began to play with the consequences of dubbing an particular audio sound onto the video of the mother saying a different sound (2). They found that when the auditory syllable, "ba-ba" was imposed on the visual syllable "ga-ga", "da-da" was heard. The same occurred when the audio and visual syllables were reversed. Also, "pa-pa" dubbed on "ka-ka" was heard as "ta-ta". When one of the sensory inputs was eliminated by closing the eyes, or plugging the ears, the correct syllable was identified (2). McGurk and McDonald found "Contemporary, auditory-based theories of speech p erception...inadequate to accommodate these new observations" and concluded that there must be some allowance made for the influence of the visual on hearing (2). The conventional theory of the senses is challenged. So, speech perception is bimodal. Of course, as science repeatedly shows, nothing is simple as that. The question remains, how does this integration occur? When does it occur? What neurological systems are involved? It has become generally accepted that audio and visual inputs are received by independent organs (the ears and eyes) and that integration occurs sometime after these two systems have "processed" the input.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Executive Summary for Louis Vuitton

Louis Vuitton’s History and Growth: a) The Designer Louis Vuitton's History: The designer Louis Vuitton was born with the name Louis Vuitton Malletier, and he was born in France in a country called Jura in 1821. He started working in France as a young adult, and he became a fashion designer by accident. He was from a working class family, as his father Xavier Vuitton was a farmer, and his mother was a milliner.Louis Vuitton used to walk 250 miles from his hometown to Paris, as he carried different jobs on the road in order to pay for his journey. He also worked on household items which gave him the experience of designing and creating unique and distinguished quality bags and luggage. In 1854, Louis Vuitton married a 17 year old girl called Clemence Emilie parriaux and afterwards he took the decision of establishing his own company on the rue des capuchins, just next to his old boss.He used to advertise his products on a small poster that said â€Å"securely packs the most fr agile objects, specializing in packing fashions† which was very creative at that time. He was succeeding in a fast rate until he became the manufacturer and designer of one of the most luxurious fashion brands in history. Despite the experience Louis Vuitton gained from travelling to France as a teenager, he would never have made it to what he became as one of the most important fashion designers in the world. b)The Brand Louis Vuitton's History and Growth:Whenever anyone hears the name Louis Vuitton, the first thing that pops in minds is the elegant and luxurious women bags and shoes with their famous brown and beige colors and the unique LV logo, which became any elegant woman’s dream to have Louis Vuitton bags and shoes in her closet or her dressing room. Louis Vuitton opened their first store in London along with Oxford Street. Louis Vuitton is also well known for their luxurious and flexible travelling suitcases that were very practical, elegant and useful bags tha t changed the way of travelling.The organization continued their growth as they produced dresses, perfumes and a lot of other fashion industries along with the luxurious bags and shoes. Even to increase the brand value and sales, Louis Vuitton in 1983 joined with the America’s cup in order to form the Louis Vuitton’s cup , which was a yacht race competition. Louis Vuitton in 1987 merged with the Moet ET Chandon and Hennessey in order to form the conglomerate which was known as LVMH. In 1989 Louis Vuitton was operating in about 130 different stores worldwide.Louis Vuitton launched their 150th anniversary of Louis Vuitton’s foundation as they initiated their first global store in shanghai and other stores in Sau Paulo, Johannesburg and Newyork. Louis Vuitton was named the world’s most valuable luxury brand for seven consecutive years. In 1997 Marc Jacobs merged with Louis Vuitton ,in order to design elegant and unique clothing line for both men and women, à ¢â‚¬Å"When I saw the first trunk in Trianon grey canvas,† says Jacobs, â€Å"I said to myself, ‘That's how Louis Vuitton got started and that's how we, too, are going to start, with greys and whites, with a logo hidden inside the clothing. But it resulted in the consumer's disappointment as they were expecting something more elegant and glamorous. Mark Jacobs then brought in the 80’s New York designer Stephen Sprouse to add graffiti style to the monogram canvas, He usen used Jennifer Lopez as a celebrity endorsement in a marketing campaign followed by later celebrity endorsement campaigns done by Uma Thurman and Sean connery, Which was very successful campaigns. Jacobs also did a mixture between the classical and elegant image of the brand with hip hop by hiring Pharrel Williams to design sunglasses collection for Louis Vuitton in 2005.Louis Vuitton started as a retailer for travelling bags at the beginning, followed by the most fashionable retailer of shoes, bag s and purses for women, and now they became the most elegant and distinguished well known brand among other competitors like Christian Louboutin , Christian dior, Calvin Klein and coco channel, as Louis Vuitton also became one of the most famous and distinctive retailers for most of the fashion industries among men and women of all ages. Louis Vuitton's Strengths and Weaknesses a) Louis Vuitton’s strengths:Louis Vuitton is a global brand that has a lot of points of strengths, which makes it crucial for the competitors to be able to cope up with the competition in the market share. Louis Vuitton is known with its elegant and luxurious brand name in the fashion industry which helped Louis Vuitton maintain a unique position in the market. The strong brand name is one of the main points of strengths that any successful company should maintain, and most of the promotions, advertising, marketing strategies and public relations efforts are for the sake of gaining a strong, unique an d recognizable brand name in the minds of consumers.Louis Vuitton has a distinctive and effective marketing strategy that it uses in order to appeal to its target customers, so most of their profit is predictable rather than being just a coincidence as a result of their unique and strong marketing strategy. Louis Vuitton uses the principle of the special order which gives the consumer the opportunity to order a product tailored exactly for him and his own preferences, the special order principle is used in most of the brands with high customer loyalty and high brand names for a distinctive amount of target customers.Louis Vuitton maintains also effective pricing strategies, as they make sales and special offers at the end of the season in order to attract and encourage customers to hurry up and not miss the special offers and discounts, which improves the short-run sales and increases the total sales revenue for the organization. Louis Vuitton is also famous with using the product b undling strategy, which aims to sell more than one product in a combination form, this strategy is used for customers who prefer grouped and combined packages rather than individual products.One of the most famous strategies of Louis Vuitton that makes it distinctive from most of the other brands is that it uses the flawless repairs strategy which gives consumers the right to get their products repaired when damaged which can rarely be found in any other brand. B) Louis Vuitton’s weaknesses: Louis Vuitton’s main weakness is that they have restricted retail opportunity and they distribute their products through their own retailers, so there are few distribution channels for their products, as they don’t distribute their products to outlet retailers which might increase the net sales for the organization.The organization is also known for not using tv ads, which might be very influential on the sales revenue and the brand image , but sometimes it’s influenc e is negative and sometimes positive, so Louis Vuitton organization chose not to use the tv ads at all as they might negatively influence the organization’s reputation in the minds of consumers, and they chose to use instead magazines and newspapers in their promotions, until they recently launched their first ever tv ad known with he theme â€Å"where would life take you† which was a 90 second advertisement, but Louis Vuitton concentrates more on magazines and newspapers as they can last longer than a few seconds tv ad. Business and Marketing Level Strategy It's very important to put into consideration to the place in Louis Vuitton's marketing strategy. In fact, whether we reflect on the shops, their stocking strategy, or their communication straightforwardly into the shops, each point has been strictly planned and codified in advance. Louis Vuitton shops have to be distinctive and unique; just about as a total experience just by them.Christophe Barthelemy (from the f irm fair play) says: â€Å"The shop can no longer look like a shop but like a theatre playing the desire world of the brand†. So, their design is actually essential to the brand. Louis Vuitton's major lines are to encourage and motivate soberness, class, and prosperity in the shades. This is essential in their sensorial marketing strategy which requests to the sense of viewing. For several years Louis vuitton focused more on their competence, image and the design of its products than the sustainability of their stores.But rapidly, the company recognized that their customers as well expected the products to be constantly available in the shops. Louis vuitton realized this bend in the customer's mind and thus, modified its supply chain consequently; if you control your distribution, you control your image'. Because of the success that runs into, LVMH plans on globalizing the concept to more of its distributions in the group. Mr. Carcelle prepared strategic plans to set up the o rganizations general goals. Louis Vuitton's goal is to develop and grow-up faster that their competitors.The reason of attaining lots of companies in a short time was based on the inner growth of LVMH. Mr. Carcelle's thought that what happened for Louis vuitton could happen for his latest smaller brands. He is in for the long run and knows the time lines. Louis Vuitton is reinforcement design teams and continues to increase and fix up their global store network. They persist to devote in promotion and advertising at the same time as making the assets expenditures compulsory to enlarge construction capacity and gather the demand for their products.They have a superior environmental balance and managing over distribution. They had a great support of brand image; they have a strong existence in all luxury divisions plus they are number one in the world with fifty brands. The strategy was based on the established and sustainable development of multi-brands. Louis Vuitton's mission is to characterize the most developed qualities of Western â€Å"Art de Vivre† globally. LVMH should maintain to be the same with both creativity and elegance. Our cultural values and products, they represent combined innovation and tradition, and encourage fantasy and dream.Obviously, there are five priorities reveal the essential values joint by all group stakeholders: 1) Be creative and innovate. 2) Aim for product excellence. 3) Bolster the image of our brands with passionate determination. 4) Act as entrepreneurs. 5) Strive to be the best in all we do. Even though, they did not present a vision statement, the first procession of the mission can proceed as their vision statement, as it classifies the company's enduring goal. By means of †Are de Vivre† meaning †the art of living†, the main objective is to provide people to feel the qualities of are of living.They are an enterprise that owns numerous of luxury brands that sell a variety of high-quality go ods like: accessories, spirits, champagne , apparel ,etc, therefore, the goal they want to accomplish is to embody Western luxury living around the world, since they are an international company. Another objective is to symbolize luxury life, thus they should †continue to be the same with both creativity and elegance† as a reason that luxurious living is frequently associated to these adjectives and their products should be creative and elegant in sequence to represent luxury living.Moreover, they considered five of their major strategies that increase the whole aim. To correspond good at Western luxury living, they should be creative and innovative in order to let their products unique from others, best quality possible and support the company's brands with passionate power as determination of an organization frequently leads to the best quality of work. In addition to, they seek to act as entrepreneurs and do their best to be the best in all they do. It's inaccurate to say competitive strategy- since Louis Vuitton is not a commerce. It doesn't contend with anyone because it is an international of decentralized brands.Every brand has its own story/value plan and its own competitors and distinctive business strategies. Furthermore, Louis Vuitton's corporate strategy is to grip a portfolio of the most treasured, coveted luxury brands and add value throughout its particular resources – sourcing, its supply chain management, brand management and talent. LVMH is the world's primary luxury products group. The strategy of LVMH is based on mixing it's leather goods and fashion. As for the marketing costs, Louis Vuitton's net sales have grown-up 57% in the previous two years. In 2001 LVHM had great earnings growth in a falling economy.This was a reason to the strength of Louis Vuitton, which is the world director in luxury goods and promoted the younger brands from the synergies that residential within the industry group. Every company should focus on their interior design and marketing industry, despite the fact that they helped from shared technical and financial expertise. Everyone is moving on the way to improve sales and its objectives. Louis Vuitton and Marc Jacobs allocated extensively more budget to advertising and promotion this year as the ad market returns from a catastrophic 2009, according to Kantar Media.The whole advertising expenditures during the first half of 2010 are up 5. 7 percent year-over-year and many luxury brands are truly outperforming that development. Especially Louis Vuitton and Marc Jacobs have improved their ad spend by 280 and 57 percent correspondingly. Louis Vuitton spent more than $22 million on advertising crossways all channels between January and June, balanced to to some extent more than $14 million throughout the same period last year, a 57 percent raise. Louis Vuitton is a hard cash cow. It reports for 37% of its group sales and most of it profits.In conjuction with its leather goods a nd product growth strategy, it has expanded the sales by establishing products like: watches, jewelry, sunglasses and a clothing line. Louis Vuitton has constantly exceeded barriers crossways technical, artistic, and logical orders. References: http://www. allbestessays. com/Business/Louis-Vuitton%E2%80%99s-Marketing-Strategy/4158. html http://www. writework. com/essay/strategy-louis-vuitton http://www. kth. se/polopoly_fs/1. 124452! /Menu/general/column-content/attachment/louis%20vuitton. pdf http://www. antiessays. com/free-essays/444469. tml http://suite101. com/article/the-history-and-brand-of-louis-vuitton-handbags-and-purses-a339894 www. modelandshop. com/2010/11/founder-of-louis-vuitton/ http://www. ukessays. com/essays/marketing/louis-vuitton-becoming-successful-in-the-luxury-market-marketing-essay. php http://www. gq-magazine. co. uk/style/articles/2012-07/12/louis-vuitton-history-of-luxury-label-and-outlets-shops-bags-shoes/page/2 http://www. luxurydaily. com/louis-vuitton -marc-jacobs-ramp-up-ad-spend-as-market-improves/ http://www. lvmh. com/the-group/lvmh-group/group-mission-and-values

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Closely analyse the poems ‘Sacifice’ by Taufiq Rafat and ‘Out, Out’ by Robert Frost

In preparation for this essay I read and analysed a series of poems. Some of these poems include ‘Tich Miller' by Wendy Cope and ‘City Jungle' by Pie Corbett. For the main part of the essay I read the two poems ‘Sacifice' by Taufiq Rafat and ‘Out, Out' by Robert Frost and found out, about the two different cultures. ‘Sacifice' is about a goat being sacrificed when they are laying the foundations of a friend's house, where as ‘Out, Out' is about a boy having his hand chopped off by a buzz saw. In class, as a group we took down notes about the two poems. I will now individually show my understanding of the two poems and write an analysis for them both. I will now analyse ‘Sacrifice' by Taufiq Rafat. The poem is about laying the foundations of a house. To do this they have to perform a ritual. The ritual is that the owner of the house has to sacrifice a goat. In the first stanza we can see that the poet feels empathy for the goat as it says ‘I can feel its point on my throat'. It is suggesting that he has taken the persona of the goat and feels what it feels. This stanza is almost out of order, as the poet Rafat could have put line five ‘We are laying the foundations of a friend's house' as his first line. He could have done this deliberately because he wants to create effect and to catch the reader's attention by having a strong first stanza with language like ‘geysers'. You can tell by the language of the poem that the person who is performing the sacrifice is disturbed and doesn't want to kill the goat as it says ‘A hot sticky sweat breaks out on my body'. This line in the poem stands out for me because it creates a strong image in my mind and tells me exactly how he is felling towards the sacrifice. In the next stanza we find out that there is a group of people that are involved in laying the foundations of a friend's house, as the sentence starts with ‘We are laying the foundations of a friend's house'. By the words ‘a brief prayer' and ‘we stand in a tight circle' you can tell that the culture of the poem is a religious one and that they are also a close community by them all involved in a ritual also by them all laying the foundations of a friend's house. The line ‘The heat, and the smell of blood make me dizzy' tells you how this sacrifice is making him feel and once again it shows that he thinks this is uncivilized. I think that when it says the goat has a ‘civilized and patient look' it makes me feel that the goat doesn't deserve what is about to happen to it and they are going to kill it when he doesn't expect it. In the next stanza they are now performing the sacrifice of the goat. When the poet writes ‘Part of the ritual that it is his hand only' it tells you that the person who has to kill the goat is the one who is having his house blessed. In the line ‘How keenly it cuts! ‘ the poet Rafat is showing that the goat cuts easily and that it is almost like the knife wants to kill the goat. I think that the explanation mark at the end shows the shock and the response of the poet. When the poet writes ‘The movement is a little unsteady' this stands out for me because as well as him being nervous I would be too if I had to kill any animal. Also I think it is ironic that by him being nervous, because he doesn't want to hurt the goat, he is actually causing the goat to feel more pain by not being steady. The word ‘butchering' makes this sacrifice feel more unpleasant because butcher means they kill. ‘Four calloused hands imprison my jerking legs' this tells us that they are working class people because calloused hands suggests that people work with their hands. Also by saying that the hands are calloused, which means harden, it could suggest that they have hard emotions to this sacrifice. Also with the words ‘jerking legs' the poet is taken on the persona and empathy of the goat. In the next stanza they have killed the goat and are now burying it. When Rafat writes ‘the children are fascinated by the tableau' he is saying that the children might want to do this in the future and suggests that this culture could be passed through generations. The goat is forgotten about forever when it says ‘Two spadefuls of dirt will cover me up forever' I feel that it is sad that some people would just kill an animal for their culture and just forget about it afterwards. When Rafat says ‘a white-bearded man chants something holly' it is coming back to the idea that their community is a religious community. At the end of the sentence we can tell that this sacrifice is recent by the words ‘the cameras click' it also suggests that to some this is a celebration but as you read the last stanza the poet has another opinion. The poet Rafat writes ‘we are not laying the foundations of a house, but another Dachau. ‘ The language he is using is very strong at the end. As I read this last stanza it made me think that when he used the word Dachau that means Concentration Camp or even a Death Camp he clearly shows that he disapproves to the whole sacrifice as I would but he also makes it clear that people have different opinions and feelings, to this. Over all I think that Rafat makes it clear you can't change the way people feel, this may be because of there religion or culture. I will now analyse ‘Out, Out' by Robert Frost. The poem ‘Out, Out' is about a young boy who is working in a factory in Vermont. As the poem goes on we find out that a buzz saw the boy was working with chops off his hand. In the first line the poet Frost writes ‘The buzz saw snarled' this suggest that by the word snarled there is danger to come. Also personification is used by ‘buzz saw'. The poet suddenly changers the tone of the poem by using the words ‘sweet-scented' and also saying in line five about the ‘Five Mountain Ranges' and ‘Under the sunset into Vermont'. I think that personally this was very clever because the poet has brought the scene alive and goes on to set a pleasant scene with the Mountain Ranges in Vermont. He also tells us a bit about the culture. He does this by mentioning the Mountains, which tell us that this is an isolated community. In line seven the poet has once again changed the tone of the poem by coming back to the saw. In this line he has used repetition by repeating the words ‘Snarled and Ratted'. He explains why the buzz saw was snarling and rattling in the next line by saying ‘As it ran light, or had to bear a load'. When the poet writes ‘and nothing happened: day was all but done'. This Suggest to the reader that it is just a normal day and that nothing special was going to happen. I found this clever because it is misleading. In the next line the poet shows a bit of emotion by saying ‘call it a day, I wish they might have said'. By using the words ‘I wish' it makes you think that something bad may happen to him. To please the boy' the poet writes in the next line. This is the first time the poet introduces him as just a boy. This suggests that as apart of their culture they get young children to work. I disagree with this because I think that young children are not as experienced with using dangerous equipment such as a buzz saw and something could happen to them if they are not careful and could get hurt. The poet goes on to introduce his sister in line thirteen ‘His sister stood beside them in her apron'. As the poet does this it could suggest that as a part of their culture, families work together. Frost also writes that the sisters tell the rest of the workers it's supper ‘To tell them ‘Supper†. This could suggest that the poet has given them traditional roles for the genders. This is that the men have to do the work and the women have to cook. My response to this is that I disagree because it is sexism and I think that is wrong. In the next couple of lines Frost describes how the buzz saw cuts the boys hand off because he is not paying attention and gets distracted by his sister saying to word ‘Super' and loses his concentration. Frost writes just after the word ‘Super' that ‘the saw, As if to prove saws knew what supper meant, leaped out at the boy's hand' it is as if the saw decides to eat by hearing the hearing the word supper so he users personification. He explains that ‘he must have given the hand' and that the boy couldn't pull away in time. ‘But the hand! ‘ the poet writes, which means that he is in shock and dismay by the exclamation mark at the end. By his hand getting chopped off it tells as that it is very physical, manual, dangerous work they do. The boy's first outcry was a rueful laugh'. This suggests that he doesn't really realise what has happened to him. By the poet using the word ‘rueful' it tells us again that he is in shock and doesn't believe it. Frost writes in line twenty ‘as he swung toward them holding up the hand, Half in appeal' this could mean that the boy has reacted different to his hand being chopped off. This is because at first he was in shock and then he was looking for help by swinging towards them. The poet then writes ‘but half as if to keep the life from spilling'. This could refer to the title ‘Out, Out' because as the blood is spilling out of him it is also like the life is spilling and going out of his body as well. The boy's final reaction is when it says ‘then the boy saw all' this suggests that he knows that he is going to either be disabled or even die. The poet writes how the boy has now become a teenager by using the words ‘big boy doing a man's work' even though the boy is a ‘child at heart'. In the next few lines it tells us that the boy has lost his hand and that he has even lost his life. At first the poet brings the boy alive by using speech and getting him to say ‘Don't let him cut my hand off'. The poet now changers the whole pace of the poem by just having the word ‘So' by itself. This suggests the finality of the poem. ‘But the hand was gone already'. This means that despite what he wants it doesn't matter because the hand was gone and it couldn't have been used again. In the next sentence we find out that their medical provision is quite basic because it says ‘the doctor put him in the dark of ether'. The ether is for the boy to cope with the pain. The boy ‘lay and puffed his lips out with his breath'. I think this was sad because we know that he is going to die and that could have been his last breath, but it still suggests that there is life still there. ‘And then-the watcher at his pulse took fright'. This just means that the fright caused his pulse to go down. Also the hyphen could suggest a dramatic pause. His life is slowly going away from him now when Frost writes ‘Little-less-nothing! I think that the exclamation mark means the end and it goes on to say he has died ‘and that ended it'. My response to the end of the poem is a one of disbelieve. This is because the poet writes ‘Since they were not the one dead, turned to their affairs'. I personally find this hard to believe that their culture is quite hard hearted and that they think death and danger is a normal part of life. I don't know how some people would just carry on with their lives ins tantly and think it was just another death. This poem must be quite old because of the whole attitude towards death has changed. This is not like ‘Sacifice' because that was quite recent because of the ‘Cameras'. I will now write about the similarities and differences between the two poems and compare them both. I will start off with some of the similarities between ‘Sacifice' and ‘Out, Out'. The first thing I have notice between the two was that they both have quite a sad, and depressing tone towards them. This is because they are both about death. Also in both of the poems the characters take the deaths quite lightly e. . in ‘Sacrifice' they just forget about the goat ‘Two spadefuls of dirt will cover me up forever' and in ‘Out, Out' they feel that it is just another death ‘Since they were not the one dead, turned to their affairs'. Another similarity is that the poet, or the voice of the poem, does not appear to share the views of the communities described. This is because in ‘Sacrifice' the poet does not want to kill the goat but community does and in ‘Out, Out' the boy does not want to carry on working ‘Call it a day, I wish they might have sad'. They both tell a story and they create a serious tone because they are in blank verse. As they are in blank verse it sounds like someone is telling a story. The last similarity I found is that they both give insights into the cultures in which they are set. Also they imply criticism of the aspect of the culture they are describing. For example in ‘Out, Out' one criticism is that a young boy like him should not be working at such a young age but it is apart of their culture to do so. An example of a criticism in ‘Sacrifice' is that they should not kill the goat but they do so because it is apart of their culture. Now I will describe some of the differences between the two poems. The main difference would have to be that ‘Out, Out' is about a human where as ‘Sacrifice' is about an animal. They both describe different cultures. For example ‘Sacrifice' is a religious community and ‘Out, Out' isn't. I found that one difference was that ‘Sacrifice' includes empathy with the goat, where as ‘Out, Out' just describes what happens. Also ‘Sacrifice' is divided into stanzas and is in clear sections, where as ‘Out, Out' is not in stanzas and just flows chronologically through the story. Another difference would have to be that the poet in ‘Sacrifice' is more involved where as in ‘Out, Out' the poet is more of an observer. The last difference I can think of is that the death of the boy was an accident where as the death of the goat was on purpose. Overall I found that ‘Sacrifice' by Taufiq Rafat was very sad because I don't think it was right for them to go ahead with the ritual sacrifice of the goat just because they are laying the foundations of a house. The only decent and respectful bit towards the goat was from the poet himself. He doesn't think this was right either and at least his heart is in the right place. He lets us know from the very beginning that his real sympathies are with the goat: ‘As he moves the knife across the neck of the goat I can feel its point on my throat'. But Rafat's sympathy isn't much use to the goat. This is because if he has his doubts about the ceremony and he knows he is going to sacrifice the goat, I don't get why he is there in the first place if he doesn't want to kill the goat. Apart from this I found it a very interesting poem to read. For ‘Out, Out' by Robert Frost I felt that it is a tragedy that a young boy who lives in a rural area, is propelled to work longs days, doing a job that is fit for a man and that he is doing this instead of spending the days as a youth. When Frost writes ‘Call it a day, I wish they might have said, to please the boy by giving him the half hour that a boy counts so much when saved from work' I felt that not only do these lines inform us that the boy wished he did not have to work but it also reflects a sense of regret on the bystanders part. It proposes the fact that if they had finished up early, or even not made this young boy do a job fit for his superior then his death may have never occurred. I found this part particularly important to me because if they had done the right thing and not gave him this job he could have still been alive! I liked the fact that Frost uses particular techniques such as, personification, repetition, onomatopoeia, and word structure, which produced a precise rhythm to the poem. Another bit of this poem I liked is that throughout the poem the buzz saw is personified and is given human and animal like qualities. And the saw snared and rattled, snarled and rattled as it ran light or had to bear a load'. This I found suggests that the saw is in fact some kind of creature, which may posses more power than the boy. To some up I think that Frost's ideas of life and death, the harshness of life's demands, and how he shows personal interest in the way in which individuals deal with life's issues su ch as death are clearly reflected in the poem ‘Out, Out'. I think that this was a great poem to read.

Project management 5 Essay

Project management 5 Essay Project management 5 Essay NAME: Samuel Adebayo COURSE: MIS 4433 INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Mike Estep DATE: 3/14/2015 The sinking of the Titanic is now known to be a folk story and a romantic movie and so many people are unaware of what exactly happened that caused the ship to sink that night on April of 1912. So many people claimed that the builders of the Titanic claimed that the ship was ‘unsinkable’ but the actual statement made by the builders was that, the ship was ‘practically unsinkable’ which is pretty close. The Titanic was the largest ship ever built in the world as at the time she was built. She was built to compete with the Lusitania and Mauretania which both held the ‘Blue Riband’ for the fastest Atlantic crossing ships. The Titanic was built to look like her sister ship, â€Å"The Olympic† in so many different ways. They were both built to travel at moderate speeds, carry a lot of people, and to have a lot of space to carry cargo. The upper part of the titanic was also built to look like the Olympic only that, the Titanic’s was enlarged and refined. There were no risks taken in building the engines as the engines were enlarged versions of the propulsion system first used experimentally in Laurentic in 1909. There was also no risk taken in the design of the inside of the ship as it was built to look like that of older white ships only larger. The Titanic’s long thin rudder with its high counter stern was, in fact, a copy of an 18th century steel sail ing ship, a perfect example of the lack of technical development. This design compared with the modern rudder design of the Mauretania or Lusitania, Titanic's was a fraction of the size. Apparently no account was made for advances in scale and little thought given to how a ship 852 feet in length, might turn in an emergency or avoid a collision with an iceberg. This was Titanic's Achilles heel. It was also said that the Titanic wanted to set a record on her maiden trip by arriving the shores of New York ahead of schedule and that speed played an important role in the Titanic which is not actually true. She went through the route the Olympic followed the previous year and she didn’t even have all her boilers on. She was sailing through the longer route in order to avoid the icebergs. An allegation was brought up that claimed that Bruce Ismay, chairman and managing director of

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Chapter 17 Essay Example

Chapter 17 Essay Example Chapter 17 Paper Chapter 17 Paper Essay Topic: Literature How did the merchant class in northern Italy influence the Renaissance? Merchants belief in individual merit would become a recurring theme in the renaissance; they were patrons of the arts In what ways did literature and the arts change during the Renaissance? Art-Realistic style, new techniques Artists and writers-chose secular and classical and Christian subjects Writers-used the vernacular What did northern European rulers do to encourage the spread of Renaissance ideas? They purchased Renaissance art supported Italian and northern artists How were the Christian humanists different from the humanists of the Italian Renaissance? Christian humanists were slightly different because they adopted ideas from humanists but put a religious slant on it and interpreted the ideals based on christian principles On what three teachings did Martin Luther rest his Reformation movement? 1.) people could win salvation only through faith, not good works. 2.) church teachings should be based on the bible, not the bible church traditions) 3.) people did not need priests to interpret the bible for them Why did the Holy Roman emperor go to war against Protestant German princes? He wanted to force the Protestant German Princes to rejoin the Catholic church Why did Henry VIII create his own church? Refer to the time line on pages 492-493. Henry wanted a male heir. That pushed him to split with the church (they would not give him a divorce) and create the Church of England In what ways was John Calvins church different from the Lutheran Church? John Calvins church: believed in predestination, followed strict rules, and promoted theocracy What was the goal of the Catholic Reformation? Was for the Catholic Church to reform itself so that it could retain loyal catholic What are three legacies of the Reformation? 1.) religion no longer united Europe 2.) paved the way for modern nation-states 3.) laid the groundwork for later rejection of Christian beliefs 4.)new schools were founded (education becoming more valued) 5.)Catholic Church became more unified Religious, political, and social effects of the reformation Religious- Catholic Church became more unified Christianity split Church of England Protestants divided Political- Monarchs gained power Modern nation states developed Social- End of serfdom Peasant revolts What role did the printing press play in the spread of the reformation and the spread of democracy? Printing press allowed people to read more information. This caused less dependence won the church. It caused more ideas about democracy and government structure How did the Renaissance and Reformation expand cultural interaction both within Europe and outside of it? Italian artists inspired northern artists and writers. Through trade and exploration. What conditions needed to exist before the Renaissance could occur? Artists and writers had to be supported in ancillary and be open to new ideas and thoughts. Europe had to be stable and at a time of peace d. All answers All answers Follicle bulb papilla arrector pili muscle sebaceous glands A hair follicle is a mass of epidermal cells extending down into the dermis and forming what? A tube What is another name for a pilosebaceous follicle? a. dermal papilla b. vellus hair c. hair bulb d. hair follicle D Hair Follicle Strong healthy hair receives adequate amounts of: a. Vitamins b. minerals c. nutrients d. All answers D. All Answers Vitamins minerals nutrients Hair growth is created by the activity of cells in the: a. stratum corneum b. pores c. basal layer d. dermis C Basal Layer What are the oil ducts or sebaceous glands that are attached to thefollicle responsible for? Lubricating the skin and hair The hair found on a fetus is called ? Lanugo Short, fine downy hair is called ___________. Vellus Hair growth occurs in these stages: a. anagen, catagen and telogen b catagen and telogen c. anagen and telogen d. catagen and anagen A Anagen Catagen Telogen Hair and skin are good barometers for what? The state of a persons health Hirsutism is ? Excessive hair growth The menopause moustache is caused by: a. estrogen b. hormonal distress c. adrenocortical activity d. cumulative sun damage C Adrenocortical activity The 2 types of hair removal are? Temporary and Permanent Removing hair by using electricity is called? Electrolysis Galvanic, thermolysis, and blend are 3methods of removal used by this method. Electrolysis IPLs a. use quick flashes of light b. shatter the targeted hair bulb w/o allowing heat to build up and burn the surrounding skin. c. reduce hair and spider veins d. All answers D- All answers use quick flashes of light shatter targeted hair bulb w/o building up heat and burn surrounding skin. reduce hair and spider veins. What is depilation? Removing the hair at or near the surface of the skin What is epilation? a. removes hair from the bottom of the follicle b. removes hair by breaking contact between the bulb and papilla c. pulls hair out of the follicle d. all answers D All answers Epilation removes the hair from the bottom of the follicle, breaks contact between the bulb and papilla, pulling the hair out of the follicle. Folliculitis barbae is commonly called? Ingrown hair A product that removes hair is called? Depilatory Which of the following answers accurately describes tweezing? a. using tweezers to pull hair out by the root one at a time. b. using tweezers, thread, or sugar to pull out unwanted hair c. a faster method than waxing for hair removal d. permanently removing thehair by pulloing it out, one hair at a time. A using tweezers to pull hair out by the root one at a time Which answers(s) best describes threading? a. uses 100% cotton b. thread is twisted and rolled along the surface of the skin c. entwines hair in the thread andlifts it out of the follicle d. all answers D All answers Threading uses 100% cotton. Threading is when a thread is twisted and rolled along the skin entwining the hair in the thread and lifting it out of the follicle. Waxing failures are caused by ? Skin not held taut The 2 types of waxes are ? Hard and soft Common ingredients added to wax are? a. Azulene b. Chamomile c. Tea tree oil d. All answers D All answers Azulene, Chamomile and Tea Tree oils are all common ingredients found in waxes. Which statement accurately describes hard waxes? a. Gentle enough for the face b. strong enough to remove coarse hairs c. often preferred for bikini and underarms d. all answers D All answers Hard wax is gentle enough for the face, strong enough to remove coarse hairs and is preferred for the bikini and underarm areas. Basic waxing supplies include ? Wax and warmer cleansers and pre- and post-epilation solutions Wax that iswater insoluble is removed by using a(n)? Oil based solution Which of the following best describes on a roll-on wax? Wax that is in an applicator and dispensed by a roll-on head. When using oversized waxing strips, your waxing technique is? Compromised Pellon is a ? fiber-like material that doesnt shed or stretch Which of the following best describes post waxing materials? a. products with antiseptic and soothing properties and hair growth inhibitors. b. products with antiseptic and soothing properties only c. hair growth inhibitors only d. products containing alchohol A Products with antiseptic and soothing properties and hair growth inhibitors. When clients have these conditions and/or diseases, they should not receive a leg waxing service. a. phlebitis, varicose veins, or diabetes b. deep hair roots c. have only a few hairs d. are too hairy A Phlebitis Varicose veins diabetes You should never do a facial waxing on clients who have. a. sunburn, a history of fever blisters, pustules or papules b. recent history of exfoliating topical medications such as Retin-A c. recently used Accutane or other acne medications or topical or oral cortisone d. All answers D All answers NEVER wax on clients who have Sunburn Fever Blisters pustules or papules Recent topical meds for exfoliation (Retin A) Accutane or topical or oral cortisone Before any waxing service you should? Perform a consultation Never apply wax over? warts moles abrasions or inflamed skin Post waxing precautions include: a. dont exfoliate for 48 hours b. avoid sun exposure for 48 hours c. avoid using creams w/fragrance for 48 hours d. All answers D All answers Post waxing precautions include no exfoliation, sun exposure, or creams w/fragrances for 48 hours. Which product is commonly used prior to a waxing service? Witch Hazel What are the advantages of using powder prior to a waxing service? Makes the hair more visible, helps protect the skin and removes moisture. Strip (soft) waxing requires that you apply the wax? a. thickly b. against the direction of the hair growth c. in the direction of the hair growth d. in a horizontal direction C In the direction of the hair growth You should leave approximately a ______ margin on the pulling side of the fabric when doing a strip wax. 1 Hard wax should be applied how thick ? Width of a nickel When applying a muslin or pellon strip, what should you do? Rub the strip in the same direction of the wax application Properly shaped eyebrows are important because? Correctly shaped eyebrows have a strong, positive impact on the overall attractiveness of the face. Why should you apply a non-irritating antiseptic lotion after tweezing an area? Prevents infection and contracts the skin What should you do to minimize discomfort in sensitive areas during waxing? Immediately place pressure on the waxed or tweezed area What should you offer your client during a bikini waxing service? Disposable panties or a small clean towel The greatest challenge when waxing the armpits or a mans back? Grows in several directions and patterns What is trichology? The scientific study of the hair and its diseases. What is hair made of? Hair is made from a hard protien called keratin, which is produced from the hair follicle. Which muscle inserts into the base of the hair follicle? Arrector Pili Muscle What are 3 stages of hair growth? Anagen Catagen Telogen What is the name of the hair growth stage where new hair is produced? Anagen What is thename of regression(falling out) stage of hair growth? Catagen What is the name of the final resting stage of hair growth? Telogen How long does it take for the hair to grow from the papilla to the surface of the skin? 4-13 weeks What is Hirusutism ? Excessive hair growth on the face, arms, legs (especially for wormen) What is hypertirichosis? Excessive growth of hair where hair doesnt normally grow What are the 2 general categories of methods of hair removal? Temporary Permanent What is an example of permanent hair removal? Electrolysis What is Galvanic method of electrolysis? Uses direct current, which causes chemical decomposition of the hair follicle. What is Thermolysis method of Electrolysis? Uses high frequency, producing heat which coagulates and destroys the hair follicle. What is the blend form of electrolysis? A combination of Galvanic and Thermolysis, sending a current through a fine needle or probe of both AC and DC simutaneously. It is reportably quicker than Galvanic alone. What are 3 methods of Electrolysis? Galvanic Thermolysis Blend What are 2 methods of hair removal which is considered temporary? Depilation Epilation ; What is the definition of depilation? Depilation is the process of removing hair at or near the level of the skin. (shaving, chemical depilation) What is Epilation? Epilation is the process of removing hair by breaking contact between the bulb and papilla. The hair is pulled out of the follicle. (tweezing/waxing and sugaring) What is a depilatory? A substance, usually a caustic alkali preparation, used for the temporary removal of superfluoushairby dissolving it at the skin level. What direction should the hair be removed when tweezing? In the direction of the growth Where should you start tweezing eyebrows? from the inner corner of the eye How long should hair be in order for waxing to be effective? 1/4 to 1/2 inch What are the 2 types of waxes ? Hard Soft What are some contraindications for waxing procedures? Recent chemical peels (acid based products) Recent microderm abrasion, injectables (botox) Recent cosmetic or reconstructive surgery Rosacea or very sensitive skin sunburn HIstory of fever blisters or cold sores Presence of pustules or papules on waxing area Usage of topical exfoliants (Retin-A, Renova, Tazorac, Differin, Azelex, other peeling agents, or Vitamin A topical products) Hydroquinone for skin lightening Topical or oral cortisone medication Accutane or other acne medications Blood thinning medications What are the most important things to remember about the wax removal technique? Hold the skin tight, remove the wax quickly, and do no lift up during the pull. In what direction should hair be removed during waxing? IN the direction opposite of the growth How should you pull the strip ? Parallel to the skin in the opposite direction of the growth w/o lifting up. How should you pull the hair while tweezing? A quick smooth motion in the direction of the hair growth What should be done prior to applying wax to the face ? Remove makeup Cleansing of the area thoroughly dry the area Can the spatula be dipped in the wax more than once? NO never double dip How can burns be prevented ? Always test the temperature of the heated wax before applying it to the clients skin. Can any hair be removed from warts, moles? No, because the wax could cause trauma to the mole. What parts contain hair roots? Medulla Cortex Cuticle What is the difference between languno and vellus hair? Languno is hair on a fetus, hair formation actually begins prior to birth. Vellus hair i sfound in areas that are not covered by the larger, coarse hairs found and the head and brows. .. a good example is the cheeks. They both describe a short, soft downy fine hair. The main structures of the hair below the surface of the skin are? Follicle Bulb Papilla Arrector pili muscle sebaceous glands A hair follicle is a mass of epidermal cells extending down into the dermis and forming what? A tube What is the other name for a polosebaceous follicle? Hair follicle Hair growth is created by the activity of cells in the ________________ layer. Basal The menopausal moustache is caused by ? Adrenocortical activity IPLs do what? Use quick flashes of light Shatter the hair bulb w/o allowing heat to build up and burn the surrounding skin. reduces hair and spider veins.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Individual Paper Assignment 2 - Frivolous Law Suits Reactions and Essay

Individual Paper Assignment 2 - Frivolous Law Suits Reactions and Analysis - Essay Example It means the person arguing the position has absolutely no idea of what he is doing, and has completely wasted the time of everyone. It doesnt denote that the case was not well argued, or that judge simply decided for the other side, but it indicates that there was no other side. The argument may turn out to be absurd and incompetent. The judge is not telling you that you are "wrong." The judge is telling you that you are out of your mind.† Yet another definition of Frivolous law was defined in the case â€Å"Texaco, Inc. v. Golart, 206 Conn. 454, 463-464, 538 A.2d 1017 (1988)†wherein it was defined as: â€Å"The definition of a frivolous appeal is set forth in the comment to Rule 3.1, wherein it is stated that â€Å"the action is frivolous if the client desires to have the action taken primarily for the purpose of harassing or maliciously injuring a person or if the lawyer is unable either to make a good faith argument on the merits of the action taken or to support the action taken by a good faith argument for an extension, modification or reversal of existing law.† Let us take the cases of Liebeck v. McDonalds Restaurants 1994, and Pearson v. Chung case filed in 2005. In February of 1992, Stella Liebeck of Albuquerque, New Mexico, was travelling in the passenger seat of her grandsons car when she was severely burned by McDonalds coffee. She was 79 years old then. The coffee was served in a Styrofoam cup at the drive through the window of a local McDonalds. After the coffee was served the grandson pulled his car forward and halted temporarily for Liebeck to add cream and sugar to her coffee. Liebeck positioned the cup in between her knees and tried to take away the plastic lid from the cup. As soon as she opened the lid, the whole contents of the cup poured forth onto her lap. Liebeck was wearing sweatpants and it absorbed the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Introduction of Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Introduction of Management - Essay Example He has to understand the team and be a transformational leader himself. He also has to modify his own behaviour incorporating the behavioural theory in his leadership style. He also has to use transactional style of leadership to reward and punish the employees appropriately. Also, he has to keep in mind that these employees have been working in this firm for a long time and have good relations with the owner which could work negatively for him. In the last section of the report it is illustrated how power can influence leadership. The right kind of power has to be given to the right person so that leadership can be healthy and meaningful. If powers are wrongly distributed or used then it would hamper leadership instead of helping it. The right kind of leadership is essential for productivity of the firm. The employees cannot work appropriately in an environment where the leadership is sloppy. The employees need direction and goals and someone who binds them together making them into a team. This can only be done by a good leader who has leadership qualities and who knows just how to distribute powers and motivates the employees. Any imbalance in the above would cause misuse of powers by the employees and the leader himself which would inturn produce dissatisfaction among the employees affecting the production directly (Torbert 2004). The main problem of leadership in this situation is the lack of leadership qualities in the leader. He lacked the competencies of a good leader. This is the reason why the employees were unable to work in a team. He was not able to make them work together. Instead they became divided into two broad groups and worked on their own with no one to monitor their work and productivity, the previous supervisor was not bothered and concerned as he himself was not motivated about the productivity and deadlines of work (Coleman, 2004, pp. 297-319). According to Howell

Process Paragraph Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Process Paragraph - Essay Example This could be highly unsettling and make it difficult for people to adjust in the new place. The culture shock therefore becomes a key issues for migrating population which must be addressed to make their transition from one culture to another easier and friendly. Different language, laws and regulations, dress code, food etc. become crucial factors that inculcate a sense of homesickness, depression, isolation etc. amongst the immigrant population and travelers. Therefore, it becomes very important to have prior knowledge about the new country and its culture so that one is prepared for changes. All the people who travel to new country, especially those with different culture experience varying level of culture shock. When they are prepared for new experience, the culture shock is not so severe. But, nonetheless, it is a temporary phase but serious issue if not tackled early. Language and laws are major elements of discomfort. The diverse society with people having varying socio-cultural values highlights the contemporary dynamics of changing societal pattern across the globe. Overcoming culture shock by making adjustments within the evolving society therefore becomes hugely pertinent issue for peaceful co-existence. It necessitates understanding of cross cultural values and willingness to adapt oneself into new environment through different mechanisms of adjustment. Culture shock for people from Asian region and other developing economies, when they come to the West is considerably more than their European counterparts. The language, gender outlook, dress code etc. become critical aspects of cultural paradigms that evoke differing response. Language barrier is one of the most defining issues that plays critical role in overcoming culture shock. Thus, learning the language of the mainstream society of host nation becomes impartment part

Healthcare Ethics and Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Healthcare Ethics and Law - Essay Example In addition, medical profession has defined its standards of accountability through a formal code of Ethics. Legal challenges and court decisions can seriously affect a medical professional's future. Thus, patient's perceptions of health care, particularly disagreements and researches of various kinds with medical professionals have caught the attention of every one since 1980s in Great Britain. These disagreements have turned often into legal complaints (Ellen Annandale 1998). These disagreements turned legal complaints lead to long medical litigations. In UK, the Court usually award three types of damages for such litigations.1.Compensatory damages - for an injured plaintiff's economic losses, costs of health care and lost wages. 2.Compensatory damages - for non-economic losses including pain, suffering associated to injury and 3.Punitive damages - in cases where a defendant has been found to have acted in a willful fashion, demonstrating negligence with no regard for the patient's well being. Thus, punitive damages aim to punish the defendants and are very damaging to the medical professionals. Medical malpractice law is part of tort, or personal injury law. The standard used to evaluate whether the breach in question rises to the level of negligence is called 'medical custom'. Medical custom is the quality of care expected of a medical professional. This custom is primarily based on the testimony of experts in the medical profession and practice guidelines. There has been a shift in recent years from the custom towards a more independent determination by the court. Unlike health care facilities that are well placed under the risk coverage through insurance, medical professionals are not covered for such litigation risks (Brennan.T 2004). Although, medical malpractice system functions theoretically well, the actual operation of the system is much more complicated. Evolution of Malpractice litigation in UK: Despite a series of medical litigations in the nineteenth century, suing medical professionals was not so easy until the later part of this century. Rights for advance directives, doctrines such as informed consent have created a new approach to medical litigations. The increase in frequency of medical litigations can be attributed to five main factors: 1.Greater public awareness of medical errors; 2.Loss of confidence in health care delivery system: 3.Technological advancement.4.Increased expectations of medical care and 5.Reduced interest of the plaintiff in accepting compensations outside the preview of the jury due to higher compensation chances through jury. (Brennan.T, 2004). The medical practice is liable for six kinds of legal authority, viz, 'The federal or central law', 'The law of the state', The international code of physicians', 'Institutional rules and regulations', 'Standing orders of the chief' and 'Precedent court decisions' (Zwemer, 1995). There are certain areas in medical practice, which have important legal implications called legal hazards. On account of the above-discussed factors, there has been a departure from traditional approach to management of disputes between the medical professionals and patient. The important approaches in medical care today include

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Managerial Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Managerial Economics - Essay Example Hence, the significance to be paid on any particular type wholly depends upon the investor and manufacturer’s choice of short term or long term prospects. The present paper deals with two variants of profit theory, viz., frictional profit theory and innovation profit theory. Each of these concepts define or explain economic profit in their own discreet ways and hence, are relevant in deciding various aspects of the underlying business, for the benefit of investors as well as manufacturers to some extent. Furthermore, the economy gains as well if economic units sort out the most efficient avenues of production or investment, since that would mean a speedier progress towards national growth. Broadly speaking, there are two different explanations to economic profit, namely, disequilibrium theories of profit and compensatory theories of profit. While the previous theory explains the logic behind an industry earning super-normal profits despite the presence of market disequilibria or discrepancies, the latter accomplishes how innovative activities taking place in a firm can assure super-normal profits to the same. Nonetheless, both these theories encompass many others within themselves (Hirschey, 2009, p. 12). Of them, only two belonging to each type, will be discussed underneath, namely, frictional profit theory and innovation profit theory. The discussion will involve comparison between the two concepts inclusive of evidences in support of the logics underlying them. Frictional theory of profit, as the name suggests, is the generation of super-normal profits due to frictions present in the economy. These are untimely events, leading to shocks in the market and thus confusing the normal state of the market. An industry is often characterised by a large number of buyers and sellers, so that there is no scope to earn super-normal profit. However, a sudden shock might shift the

Sales Management project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sales Management project - Essay Example For sales managers it is a very difficult task to select the people who will turn out to be great at what they do. Over the years a lot of scholarly work and research has been conducted about the recruitment processes that will ensure person-job fit at the managerial levels but very little attention has been paid on emphasizing and devising a proper strategy that ensures that the right people are hired on a sales force. According to Cravens et al (1997) one of the main marketing expenditures in the business-to-business marketplace is the field sales force and even then, little is done to make absolutely sure that the right people are hired on sales forces. According to Rich and Smith (2000) â€Å"The greater the skill used in evaluating potential salespeople, the more effective will be the hiring process; effectiveness being measured by lower turnover and greater productivity over an extended period of time†. Most organizations pay little or no attention on a standardized recruitment procedure that ensures that the right sales people are selected for the jobs even though most researches show that higher sales are generated by salespeople who are motivated and well-suited for their job. For organizations whose work centers around retailing of products and services, their sales force plays the most important of tasks of determining its success. Fort a better, more well-matched person to be inducted into a company’s sales force, it has been observed that a better recruitment process is necessary. According to Pitt and Ramasheshan (1995),â€Å"In the sales force recruitment process in most organizations, the organization’s requirements are typically positioned as the primary consideration†. Which generally means that more emphasize is laid on generalizing the demands of the organization so as to attract a larger number of people to apply for the jobs.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Healthcare Ethics and Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Healthcare Ethics and Law - Essay Example In addition, medical profession has defined its standards of accountability through a formal code of Ethics. Legal challenges and court decisions can seriously affect a medical professional's future. Thus, patient's perceptions of health care, particularly disagreements and researches of various kinds with medical professionals have caught the attention of every one since 1980s in Great Britain. These disagreements have turned often into legal complaints (Ellen Annandale 1998). These disagreements turned legal complaints lead to long medical litigations. In UK, the Court usually award three types of damages for such litigations.1.Compensatory damages - for an injured plaintiff's economic losses, costs of health care and lost wages. 2.Compensatory damages - for non-economic losses including pain, suffering associated to injury and 3.Punitive damages - in cases where a defendant has been found to have acted in a willful fashion, demonstrating negligence with no regard for the patient's well being. Thus, punitive damages aim to punish the defendants and are very damaging to the medical professionals. Medical malpractice law is part of tort, or personal injury law. The standard used to evaluate whether the breach in question rises to the level of negligence is called 'medical custom'. Medical custom is the quality of care expected of a medical professional. This custom is primarily based on the testimony of experts in the medical profession and practice guidelines. There has been a shift in recent years from the custom towards a more independent determination by the court. Unlike health care facilities that are well placed under the risk coverage through insurance, medical professionals are not covered for such litigation risks (Brennan.T 2004). Although, medical malpractice system functions theoretically well, the actual operation of the system is much more complicated. Evolution of Malpractice litigation in UK: Despite a series of medical litigations in the nineteenth century, suing medical professionals was not so easy until the later part of this century. Rights for advance directives, doctrines such as informed consent have created a new approach to medical litigations. The increase in frequency of medical litigations can be attributed to five main factors: 1.Greater public awareness of medical errors; 2.Loss of confidence in health care delivery system: 3.Technological advancement.4.Increased expectations of medical care and 5.Reduced interest of the plaintiff in accepting compensations outside the preview of the jury due to higher compensation chances through jury. (Brennan.T, 2004). The medical practice is liable for six kinds of legal authority, viz, 'The federal or central law', 'The law of the state', The international code of physicians', 'Institutional rules and regulations', 'Standing orders of the chief' and 'Precedent court decisions' (Zwemer, 1995). There are certain areas in medical practice, which have important legal implications called legal hazards. On account of the above-discussed factors, there has been a departure from traditional approach to management of disputes between the medical professionals and patient. The important approaches in medical care today include

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Sales Management project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sales Management project - Essay Example For sales managers it is a very difficult task to select the people who will turn out to be great at what they do. Over the years a lot of scholarly work and research has been conducted about the recruitment processes that will ensure person-job fit at the managerial levels but very little attention has been paid on emphasizing and devising a proper strategy that ensures that the right people are hired on a sales force. According to Cravens et al (1997) one of the main marketing expenditures in the business-to-business marketplace is the field sales force and even then, little is done to make absolutely sure that the right people are hired on sales forces. According to Rich and Smith (2000) â€Å"The greater the skill used in evaluating potential salespeople, the more effective will be the hiring process; effectiveness being measured by lower turnover and greater productivity over an extended period of time†. Most organizations pay little or no attention on a standardized recruitment procedure that ensures that the right sales people are selected for the jobs even though most researches show that higher sales are generated by salespeople who are motivated and well-suited for their job. For organizations whose work centers around retailing of products and services, their sales force plays the most important of tasks of determining its success. Fort a better, more well-matched person to be inducted into a company’s sales force, it has been observed that a better recruitment process is necessary. According to Pitt and Ramasheshan (1995),â€Å"In the sales force recruitment process in most organizations, the organization’s requirements are typically positioned as the primary consideration†. Which generally means that more emphasize is laid on generalizing the demands of the organization so as to attract a larger number of people to apply for the jobs.

The relationship between Frequency and phase- shift in Butterworth filters Essay Example for Free

The relationship between Frequency and phase- shift in Butterworth filters Essay The phase characteristic of Butterworth filters varies with the particular frequency in the passband and also with the ratio of cut-off frequency to sampling frequency. The cut off frequency occurs at the point where the phase shift is half its maximum value. The frequency of the Butterworth filters is often flat (they have no ripples). Therefore the Butterworth has a linear phase characteristic. The function of their magnitude has monotonic changes contrary to other filters which have non-monotonic ripples (Daryanani, 1976). The Butterworth filters have rolls off slowly and thus a particular specification of stopband needs higher order to be implemented. This is because the gain is high at higher frequency and lower at low frequency. Similarly the group delay increases with decrease in frequency. All filter options of the same order has the same phase shift. 2. How this relationship affect the waveform of a complex signal with multiple frequency components sent through it. The waveform of any complex signal that passes through a Butterworth filter shows no ripple although it rolls off at a slower rate around the cut off frequency. Lack of ripples in the Butterworth filter enables it to have a linear phase characteristic. Any signal passing through Butterworth filters experiences slight distortion but not as extensive as it occurs in Chebyshev filters and Elliptic filters. The phase of the signal is inverted in the case of multiple frequency components. The damping ratio of Butterworth filters is approximately 1. 1414 which produces a flat response (Thomas, 1971). Questions 1. The purpose of the LPF in the demodulator . and its bandwidth Low pass filter in the demodulator is meant to suppress the subcarrier frequencies which are contained in the FM stereo of the demodulation signal. In other words, it filters out carrier frequencies Thus the resulting magnetic distortion doesn’t affect the output signal. The bandwidth of the low pass filter is determined by the number of signal sampled that need to be filtered at a given speed (the sampling frequency). The LPF also helps in preventing deterioration in the sound quality (Graeme, 1971). 2. How to calculate the bit clock of the demodulator from the carrier frequency? The bit rate of the clock is a sub multiple of carrier frequency. This means that the bit clock frequency depends on the number of channels multiplied by the number of bits per channel ((Thomas, 1971). For instance if the CD audio has a carrier frequency of 44. 1Hz, with 32 bits per(2) stereo channel, then the bit clock frequency will be given by carrier frequency divide by the channels times the number of bits 44. 1/ (32/2) = 2. 8224 MHz Eye Diagram 1. Snapshot method allows multiplexing up to ten single nucleotide polymorphisms. It is primer extension based multiplex system. It compares every single incoming bit to the threshold voltage and judges whether it is a zero or one. Therefore, snapshot method can put exact decision on time and voltage of every signal. However, the eye diagram is used for high speed serial interfaces. Snapshot method is also used to measures the intuitive performance of the links (at instant time) whereas the eye diagram takes substantial time to give the link performance. It makes the correct decision on whether the incoming signal is one or zero. The eye diagram requires massive knowledge in algorithms to analyze and it takes quiet along time for acquisition. Snapshot method, on the other hand gives the performance at instant time and it is easy to analyze (Graeme, 1971). 2. The effects of differing forms of interference on the signal Interferences render the wireless systems completely unusable. The three major forms of interferences include the intermodulation, radio frequency interference, and electrical interference. The intermodulation interference occurs due to the merging of strong radio signals in a wireless network while electrical interference is caused by digital equipments and lighting system. The radio frequency interference is caused by communication equipment. It is essential to know which type of interference has occurred so as to avoid unnecessary and unproductive solutions (Daryanani, 1976). References: Daryanani, G. (. 1976). Principles of Active Network Synthesis and Design. J. Wiley Sons. Thomas, L. C. (1971). A Multipurpose Active Filtering System. † Newnes: Elsevier Graeme, J. et al. (1971). Operational Amplifiers Design and Applications. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1971.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Quality Management Plan Example

Quality Management Plan Example Quality is an experience of the customer. Product quality awareness comes from your design specifications and the manufacture standards achieved for the product. Service quality perception comes from your service process design and the customer contact impressions (Quality,n.d). As all we know that quality is very important part in every business. Personally I think quality matter not quantity. If we talk about the quality of a clothes in clothing store. Thats very important because without quality product we cant interact the customer or we cant expand our business in future. If in clothing store we provide quality product to our customer which is little bit high in price. Customer can easily spend money on quality product. In New Zealand there are mainly two seasons winter and summer. Summer is for short time period and winter for long time period. So we will provide wool clothes for winter and cotton cloths for summer to fulfil the needs of the customer. In winter season we will provide jacket, wool caps wool cloths and so many things in different varieties. Quality management The main principle of quality management is to ensure the business will meet or exceed owners needs and expectations. In our business we want to create a good relationship with our customer. For that we will manage that entire thing which can affect our business like bad customer deal that can affect our business. Next, we will also careful about the quality of the product that is most important for our business. We will careful for our stock when we purchase from India. Quality must be viewed on an equal level with scope, schedule and budget. In quality we can also say that when we build our clothing store we will use good quality of interior to decorate our store. Decoration of the store is also equal important like good quality of product.we will also use good quality of furniture in our store to interact more customer. (Quality management,n.d). To maintain quality in product you should careful about some important things which are given below: Customer feedback: In clothing store business owner should regular feedback from the customer so they can know about the quality of the product. We will also take customer feedback to better our customer service. Keeping change in variety: In today era fashion is keep changing so clothing store should always update with new variety of stock so they can fulfil the needs of the customer. In our clothing store we will purchase of stock according to customer choice. Customer satisfaction: customer satisfaction is very important in business if we want to grow up in market. For customer satisfaction we will provide variety of product to our customer. We will also provide good customer service to our customer. Project quality assurance: In plan Quality we say that we have to make the plan for our business and quality of the business. For this plan we have to know about what kind of product customer want. I will also try to find in winter season or summer season we can purchase good quality of product. In winter season we will purchase good quality of wool cloth which can protect the people from the winter and for summer season we will stock a cotton cloth so customer can buy that clothes.(quality management for project,n.d). Provide good quality of customer service: If we are talk about quality good quality of customer service is very important. If we have good quality of product and varieties of product. But our customer service is not good. Then we cant develop our business. For good quality of customer service we should deal with customer properly and take care about the needs of the customer. Quality plan The main principle of quality management is that the product the fulfil the needs of the customer and which give some profit to the owner. For good relationship with customer we have to provide good quality of the customer service. To meet this requirement we will give training to our staff and other business partner. Moreover, provide good quality of product is very important for the customer to meet this requirement we make a plan in which we will contact with different dealer in India which dealer meet our requirement in good quality of product. We will purchase clothes from that dealer. Further, in quality plan we will stock good quality of product in different verities so customer can buy what they want according to their taste. Sometime product are good in look but not good in quality but we have to stock in our store because some customer like that product (Quality plan,n.d). Quality control and its goal: The goal of quality control is to improve the product that meet the requirement and quality of type product. Quality control also includes that the project performs in its efforts to manage scope, budget and schedule. Business owner should change product or service according to demand of the customer. Rework is the action taken to bring the rejected product or service into compliance with the requirements, quality specifications or stakeholder expectations. Rework is very expensive thats why business should do quality planning and quality assurance to avoid the need for rework. Rework and all the costs may be in big amount but it is refundable by the donor and the organization may end up covering those costs. Business man should set their management very carefully that produce the outputs and the decisions that were taken that lead to the faults and errors. Changes are taken place to the Change Control methods of the project. (Quality plan,n.d) Projrct quality assurance. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 27, 2017, from Quality. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 27, 2017, from Quality management. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 27, 2017, from file:///C:/Users/OEM/Downloads/PM4DEV_Project_Quality_Management.pdf Quality plan. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 27, 2017, from file:///C:/Users/OEM/Downloads/PM4DEV_Project_Quality_Management.pdf